General | November 11, 2022

Sports injury physios help you return to playing the sports you love

When you spend as much time as possible playing the sports you love, what happens when you get injured? Suddenly life takes a turn for the worse and you can’t wait to get back in the game again. This is where our sports injury physio comes into the picture because Avram helps you recover quickly whilst also preventing similar injuries from happening again.

How a sports injury physio helps with your recovery

Once our sports injury physio, Avram, has diagnosed your injury, his priority is to manage your pain, so that you can begin to focus on your recovery. This is followed by developing a treatment plan for your speedy recovery and rehabilitation.

This plan depends on your injury but can include anything from strengthening and stretching exercises, remedial massage and rehab Pilates to deep tissue manipulation, joint mobilisation, hot and cold therapy or strapping, taping and bracing. Treatment is customised to suit your injury, age and lifestyle, as this is the best way to speed your recovery.

How our Melton sports physio helps prevent future injuries

Finally, Avram, our talented Melton sports physio, teaches you how to prevent similar injuries from occurring in the future. Again, there’s a variety of options here including correcting your gait, improving your coordination and balance, as well as strengthening and conditioning your muscles. Overuse or overtraining are also problems that can lead to injuries and can be prevented with a range of different strengthening and corrective exercises.

Give us a call!

Everyone can benefit from sports injury physiotherapy in Melton, regardless of age. We’ve treated children, teenagers, adults and elderly athletes, all of whom have been eager to return to playing the sports they love.

So if you’re looking for a sports injury physio in Melton, call Avram Baldoria for a one-on-one consultation. Book Now