Medical, Nutrition and Exercise
This site and all associated content, products and services has been written and
developed in reference to scientific research and personal experience.
It is not intended to be a full and thorough resource on osteopathy, wellbeing and
nutritional advice, strength training, weight lifting, home exercises, remedial
massage, naturopathy, Pilates, Gaitscan technology and orthotics, shockwave
therapy, or health care.
The recommendations are educational in nature and are not intended to replace
personalised, one on one consultation with a qualified medical or fitness
Some of the health advice and exercise routines may be harmful or hazardous
depending upon your medical history and suitability.
For this purpose, we have provided access to the Physical Exercise Readiness
Questionnaire (PAR-Q) for you to determine if you require medical advice prior to
starting any of our home programs or advice following any of our social media, blog
resources or educational material. 
Take the PAR-Q Test
Your continued use of this site ( and any of the
associated content, advice or services and any and all resources on this site indicate
that you have accepted our Terms of Service and that you are ready and able to
safely participate in our programs.
You are advised to consult with your Osteopathy, Medical Practitioner or other
qualified health professional before beginning any Pilates, or home exercise
The author and publisher of the site disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects
resulting directly or indirectly from information contained on the site or in any of the
educational content, products or services.
Commonsense Disclaimer
This site provides free content and online health resources.
That means we can’t know your current state of health in the way we would if you
were consulting us 1-1 in a traditional healthcare environment.

We’ve advised you to consult with your doctor or osteopathy before starting any of
the healthcare advice.
We’ve provided you with access to a free physical exercise readiness questionnaire
to help you understand if you’re able to begin.
We stress that with each exercise, that you prioritise form over exertion, so that you
can keep safe and avoid unnecessary injury.
This is all on you. If you’re unsure, then as we’ve said … go check with your
osteopath, practitioner, Pilates instructor or doctor.
It’s your call … but if you hang around and decide to get serious with us, then you
must also take responsibility for yourself, know your own limitations and self-reflect if
you are to start any of the home based exercises or advice offered on this site.