General | May 2, 2023

Sleeping Positions You Can Try to Help With Low Back Pain

Avram Baldoria-PHYSIOTHERAPIST-Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy

It can be quite challenging to get a good night’s sleep when dealing with low back pain. Fortunately, there are a few positions you can try to help alleviate discomfort and promote a more restful night’s sleep. 

One of the best positions for low back pain is sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees. This helps keep your spine in a neutral position, reducing strain on your lower back. According to a study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, sleeping with a pillow between your knees can significantly improve low back pain and disability. 

Another position to try is sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees. This can also help keep your spine in a neutral position and relieve pressure on your lower back.

If you prefer to sleep on your stomach, try placing a pillow under your lower abdomen and pelvis. This can help reduce the arch in your lower back and alleviate pressure on your lumbar spine. However, it’s important to note that sleeping on your stomach can also increase strain on your neck and shoulders, so it may not be the best position for everyone. 

Regardless of which position you choose, it’s important to make sure your mattress and pillow are supportive and comfortable. A medium-firm mattress is often the best choice for those with low back pain, as it can provide the right amount of support without being too hard or soft. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Ergonomics, a medium-firm mattress can improve sleep quality and reduce pain in individuals with chronic low back pain. 

In summary, there are a few positions you can try to get a comfortable sleep when suffering from low back pain. Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees, sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees, or sleeping on your stomach with a pillow under your lower abdomen and pelvis can all help alleviate discomfort and promote better sleep. Remember to also make sure your mattress and pillow are supportive and comfortable, and avoid positions that can increase pressure on your lower back. You may also check out the Complete Sleeprrr pillow available at our clinics which can help with neck pain. 


  1. Kovacs, F. M., et al. “Effect of firmness of mattress on chronic non-specific low-back pain: randomized, double-blind, controlled, multicentre trial.” Lancet 362.9396 (2003): 1599-604. 
  2. Kim, Seong-Hun, et al. “Comparison of the lordosis angle of the lumbar spine in different sleeping positions of asymptomatic subjects.” Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 34.8 (2011): 514-518. 
  3. Jacobson, B. H., et al. “Effect of prescribed sleep surfaces on back pain and sleep quality in patients diagnosed with low back and shoulder pain.” Applied Ergonomics 38.6 (2007): 787-796. 
  4. McGill, Stuart M., et al. “Determining the optimal posture of the lumbar spine.” Spine 29.23 (2004): 2599-2608.