General | May 19, 2023

Does Perfect Posture Really Exist?

Avram Baldoria-PHYSIOTHERAPIST-Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy

As we spend more and more time at our desks, the importance of good posture has become a hot topic. From ergonomic chairs to standing desks, there are a plethora of products and solutions available to help us achieve the perfect posture. However, the truth is that perfect posture does not exist. 

Perfect posture is often depicted as a straight spine, shoulders pulled back, and feet planted firmly on the ground. However, this idealized posture is not only difficult to maintain but can also be uncomfortable for many people. In reality, the ‘perfect’ posture varies depending on an individual’s body shape, size, and comfort level. 

The problem with striving for perfect posture is that it can create unnecessary stress on the body. When we force ourselves into an uncomfortable position, we can create tension in our muscles and joints, leading to pain and discomfort. Additionally, the pressure to maintain a perfect posture can lead to feelings of inadequacy and shame when we inevitably slouch or shift positions. 

So, what can we do instead? The key is to focus on finding a comfortable and sustainable posture. This means allowing for some movement and variation throughout the day rather than rigidly adhering to a specific posture. 

Here are a few tips to help you find a comfortable posture at your desk: 

  1. Adjust your chair and desk height: Ensure that your chair and desk are adjusted to the right height so that your feet can rest comfortably on the ground, and your arms can rest at a natural angle. 
  2. Use a footrest: If your feet don’t reach the ground, use a footrest to support your feet and help distribute your weight evenly. 
  3. Take breaks: Set a timer to remind yourself to take breaks every hour. During these breaks, stand up, stretch, and move around to alleviate any tension in your muscles. You can check out our Instagram posts and reels on a few basic exercises and stretches you can do during your work breaks. 
  4. Use ergonomic accessories: Consider investing in ergonomic accessories such as a supportive chair, a keyboard tray, or a monitor arm to help you find a comfortable posture. 
  5. Practice mindfulness: Pay attention to your body and how it feels throughout the day. Adjust your posture as needed to alleviate any discomfort or tension. 

By focusing on finding a comfortable and sustainable posture, we can alleviate tension and discomfort in our bodies, leading to better overall health and well-being. So, don’t worry about achieving perfect posture and instead focus on what feels good for you. 


  1. Harvard Health Publishing. (2020). The truth about perfect posture.
  2. Mayo Clinic. (2020). Office ergonomics: Your how-to guide. 
  3. Cleveland Clinic. (2021). How to sit at a computer to avoid back pain.
  4. National Institutes of Health. (2021). Good posture.
  5. Spine Health. (2021). Proper posture for a healthy back.