General | October 14, 2022
Western Region Health Physio – Osteopathy & Back Pain Physio in Melton

Are you suffering from unrelenting back pain in Melton?
When your back pain has lasted longer than a week, it’s time to book an appointment with our specialist osteopath or back pain physio in Melton.
If your back pain comes and goes or the pain is referred to other areas of your body, such as your legs, then you should also visit our osteopath or back physio in Melton. Book Now
How can our osteopath or back pain physio in Melton help you?
The initial priorities of our osteopath or back pain physio in Melton are to reduce your pain and identify the correct cause of your back pain. Next, they develop and implement a treatment plan that not only relieves your back pain but prevents it from recurring. Book Now
Categories of lower back pain
There are three different categories of back pain, acute (lasting less than 6 weeks), subacute (lasting 6 to 12 weeks) and chronic (lasting more than 12 weeks). Your treatment plan depends on the type of category you’re experiencing. It’s always best to make an appointment with an osteopath or back physio in Melton within that early 6-week window because the faster your treatment begins, the better the opportunity for success.
How do we diagnose your back pain?
To enable a diagnosis, your physio or osteopath may view recent x-rays and MRIs or request that these are performed. They will also ask about any injuries and discuss your medical history. Back pain is one of the most common conditions treated at our Melton Clinic. If you’ve been suffering pain in your back for more than a week, an appointment with our back physio or osteopath can be life-changing! Book Now
Treatments used by our physio in Melton
Our back physio in Melton uses a variety of different treatments to heal and resolve
the cause of your back pain, as follows.
– Soft tissue hands-on treatments.
– Deep tissue massage.
– Passive and active stretching.
– Mobility and rehab exercises.
– Isometrics.
– Postural advice.
– Activity modification.
Treatments used by our osteopath in Melton
Whilst the Western Region Health physios and osteopaths can treat your back pain, there’s a difference in their approach. That’s because an osteopath focuses more on manual adjustments (joint manipulation, taping, dry needling, massage and stretching), whereas a physio focuses more on exercise therapy. If you’re not sure which therapist is best for your back pain, just call us on 03 9747 0077 for a quick chat or Book Now.